LIOJ 1041:String trim
- 解題想法:一開始是想碰到字以後就結束,但是字不一定是英文字母,也有可能是標點符號或其他之類的,那這樣就不成立了。另外一個重點是,這樣寫沒辦法去掉後面的空白。
function solve(lines) {
let s = lines[0]
//BTW, 寫成這樣就好了 console.log(trim(lines[0]))
// LIOJ 1041:String trim
function trim(str) {
let result = ''
for(let i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
// if(str[i] >= a && str[i] <= z) {
// break
// }
if(str[i] !== ' ') {
result += str[i]
return str
看了解答發現要分成幾個部份,第一個是去掉前面的空白 + 遇到字以後就留下來;第二個是去掉後面的空白,這時候要用迴圈倒著跑,可是輸入會有問題,因此最後的 result += str[i] 要寫成 result = str[i] + result
flag variable,reference: What is a flag variable?
A flag variable, in its simplest form, is a variable you define to have one value until some condition is true, in which case you change the variable's value. It is a variable you can use to control the flow of a function or statement, allowing you to check for certain conditions while your function progresses.
- 我把 flag variable 當作是一個條件式,先設為 true or false,當某個條件成立時,在這個案例裡面是「當遇到字串時」
var readline = require('readline');
var lines = []
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin
rl.on('line', function (line) {
rl.on('close', function() {
function solve(lines) {
// LIOJ 1041:String trim
function trim(str) {
let result = ''
//下面這行是一個 flag variable
let FrontSpaceEnds = false
for(let i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
if(str[i] !== ' ' || FrontSpaceEnds) {
FrontSpaceEnds = true
result += str[i]
let result2 = ''
let BackSpaceEnds = false
for(let i=result.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
if(result[i] !== ' ' || BackSpaceEnds) {
BackSpaceEnds = true
result2 = result[i] + result2
return result2
LIOJ 1042:String toLowerCase
- Make an imitation of String toLowerCase function
var readline = require('readline');
var lines = []
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin
rl.on('line', function (line) {
rl.on('close', function() {
function solve(lines) {
function toLowerCase(str) {
let result = ''
for(let i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
if(str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') {
//OJ出現 runtime error,所以要寫一個
//let code = str.charCodeAt(i)
result += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) + 32)
} else {
result += str[i]
return result
var readline = require('readline');
var lines = []
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin
rl.on('line', function (line) {
rl.on('close', function() {
function solve(lines) {
function toLowerCase(str) {
let result = ''
for(let i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
if(str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') {
let code = str.charCodeAt(i)
result += String.fromCharCode(code + 32)
} else {
result += str[i]
return result
LIOJ 1043:String endsWith
- Make an imitation of String endsWith function
- 解題想法:從後面開始找,迴圈倒著跑,每一項去比對,比到 target 的長度就結束
- 這是福爾摩斯的演繹法,先刪去所有不可能,剩下的就是可能,我好久沒看福爾摩斯了...也好久沒吃摩斯漢堡了,懷念~
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
---Arthur Conan Doyle
var readline = require('readline');
var lines = []
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin
rl.on('line', function (line) {
rl.on('close', function() {
function solve(lines) {
let str = lines[0]
let target = lines[1]
console.log(endsWith(str, target))
function endsWith(str, searchString) {
if(searchString.length > str.length) {
return false
let strIndex = str.length - 1
let searchStrIndex = searchString.length - 1
while(searchStrIndex >= 0) {
if(str[strIndex] !== searchString[searchStrIndex]) {
return false
return true
LIOJ 1044:String padEnd
- Make an imitation of String padEnd function
- 解題想法:先處理原本字串的長度已經大於等於規定的長度時,就直接回傳原字串;接著就是把新字串加上舊字串,然後把多餘的長度截掉
var readline = require('readline');
var lines = []
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin
rl.on('line', function (line) {
rl.on('close', function() {
function solve(lines) {
let str = lines[0]
let targetLength = Number(lines[1])
let padString = lines[2]
console.log(padEnd(str, targetLength, padString))
function padEnd(str, targetLength, padString) {
if(str.length >= targetLength) {
return str
let result = str
while(result.length < targetLength){
result += padString
let newResult = ''
for(let i=0; i<targetLength; i++) {
newResult += result[i]
return newResult
LIOJ 1045:String slice
Make an imitation of String slice function
var readline = require('readline');
var lines = []
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin
rl.on('line', function (line) {
rl.on('close', function() {
function solve(lines) {
console.log(slice(lines[0], Number(lines[1]), Number(lines[2])))
function slice(str, beginIndex, endIndex) {
let result = ''
for(let i=beginIndex; i<=endIndex - 1; i++) {
result += str[i]
return result