How to solve the perpetual loading issue in Evernote? Evernote 一直轉圈圈的解決辦法

Posted by Christy on 2021-11-07

After cancelled the membership of evernote, I got stuck in forever white loading screen with both my mobile and laptop devices.

The problem was casued by the limit of logged devices, so just login in web Evernote web login, go to settings -> devices -> remove one of the devices to meet the demand and that's it! seems quite a lot similar issues and I suggest Evernote to show a reminded notice or redirect users to the setting page. For me in this situation I don't have any chances to revise until I found the solution.

取消了 evernote 的會員後,登入手機跟筆電時,就一直出現轉圈圈的情況,畫面被鎖住了,什麼事都做不了。

上網查了一下,是因為登入裝置數量限制的關係。假設是免費使用者,登入裝置上限只有兩個,因此可以登入網頁版,去「設定」 -> 「裝置」裡面把網頁版的裝置移除,這樣其他的裝置就不會一直轉圈圈了。

話說 evernote 可以提醒使用者裝置問題,或者在有問題的時候,直接把使用者導到網頁的裝置頁面,不然在「可以用的裝置上」,完全沒有任何機會去修改,使用者體驗不是太好。

參考資料:Android 的 Evernote 一直轉圈圈 【已解決】

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